So what is a Blog and blogging anyway? This is the first question every newbie asks who is new to the Blogging Empire. Actually, I am asked many times or every week via Electronic mails (emails), directly or Seminar conversation and Instant Messaging chats (like Facebook, what’s app, Google+, Twitter, linked, etc.) to define: ‘what is a blog’. If you are reading this post you may well be asking the same question. Right?
Well, as a familiar as you might be to what exactly a “blog” is, there is a bunch of peoples who hear it for the very first time, every single day and actually, they have no bit idea what exactly it is. They are having that first encounter like you did right now!
As there is a perfect number of methods, I could explain this question ranging from the broad to the highly technical.
Actually, The Blogging is a very high Creative thing to do. It is a totally different and wonderful thing that makes you feel better and better. Lots of people do it as a very lovely Passion and some others people do Blogging as a business to earn money, to make money blogging from their best websites or pro-blogs. Let’s go In the Details, The Blogging is a very creative term that is derived from the word “Blog“.
Before I explain the ‘what is a blog’ question – below are a few very famous answers from other much wiser people to get you started:
- 1 What is a blog?
- 2 So, What is a Blog??
- 3 What is blogging?
- 4 What Are the Skills Required for blogging?
- 5 Finally, Who is a blogger?
- 6 Is It Possible To Make Money With a Blog?
- 7 1- Contextual Advertising:
- 8 2- Sell products and services:
- 9 3- Banner or Direct Advertising:
- 10 4- Affiliate Marketing:
- 11 5- Event Blogging:
- 12 Conclusion:
- 13 Share this:
What is a blog?
‘A weblog is a hierarchy of text, images, media objects and data, arranged chronologically, that can be viewed in an HTML browser.’ Source.
‘A blog is a website in which items are posted on a regular basis and displayed in reverse chronological order. The term blog is a shortened form of weblog or web log. Authoring a blog, maintaining a blog or adding an article to an existing blog is called “blogging”. Individual articles on a blog are called “blog posts,” “posts” or “entries”. A person who posts these entries is called a “blogger”. A blog comprises text, hypertext, images, and links (to other web pages and to video, audio and other files). Blogs use a conversational style of documentation. Often blogs focus on a particular “area of interest”, such as Washington, D.C.’s political goings-on. Some blogs discuss personal experiences.’ Source, Source2
‘A Blog is an abbreviated word used for term “Weblog“, this is a word used to describe different type of Websites and Portals which share information on specific topics or wider categories. It usually includes Features like Blog Posts, Videos, Comments, and Links to other websites, Widgets, etc.’ Source.
So, What is a Blog??
Still, I do not think that you are confused yet! Don’t be – it is really quite simple to understand from above definitions. To put it as simply as my level possible – a blog is a type of website that you on the Internet is as a rule Mostly arranged in the chronological order (If somethings are described or shown in chronological order, that means, they are shown or described in the order in which they happened. That ‘s it!) from the most recent ‘post’ or in the other word an entry at the top of the main page (Homepage) of your blog to the older entries towards the bottom of your free blogs or paid. Do not think more just start a blog.
Also read: How To Create A Blog Within Just 2 Minutes Free.
Please! Have a look at the main page of this blog for taking more ideas and an ex. You can Google for the different examples or go with another of my dynamic website, just click here.
What is blogging?
After Discussing What is a Blog? Now, It’s time Turn Towards the Next Question that is What is blogging?
In the simple words, Blogging is a lucrative activity from a blog owner or an out-source Freelancer on your blog. It is the creative activity that included the Articles writing, Social Media Marketing, an article editing, publishing Posts (entries), Designing and Maintaining the Design of your Website, And the most important thing that is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for improving Blog Rank in the Google first page. Yes! It is right you can also hire an expert from Fiverr or a Freelancer for each and every time for the paid job. No doubt Fiverr is a good place to hire an expert for anything, but these skills are quite simple to learn online.
What Are the Skills Required for blogging?
Do you think it’s hard? Don’t think. It is not compulsory that you should have expertise skills. As I mentioned above, these skills are quite easy to learn online freely, so that you could become a very good Pro Blogger. Nowadays, you do not need to be an expert in designing and maintaining the dynamic design and dynamic content of your dynamic Website (blog). Because there are lots of popular Content Management Systems (CMS) like of Blogger and WordPress. Larne more about Content Management System (CMS)
Finally, Who is a blogger?
Because You So Far Learned, What is a Blog? And What is Blogging?
I think you can realize that who is a blogger? Because you so much learned, about what is a Blog? And what is Blogging?
Anyway! Let me give you a demonstration, about what exactly a blogger is. In very simple words a blogger is someone who does blogging; that means he/she writes Articles (contents) for a blog. The Blogging is not only the acts of writing an article or doing a post (entry) that a common blogger does for his/her blog but also you have to be at least a good article writer to writes lots of Unique and High-Quality content for your best blog site. You have to be an updated Search Engine Optimisation researcher to take your best blog site higher on the first search page result of Google.
Is It Possible To Make Money With a Blog?
Yes, of course! You can 100% earn money online. There lots of ways to make money online with a blog (weblog). Well, I am going to expose some popular of them below, I will explain others ways to earn money online as well in my next posts.
1- Contextual Advertising:
Did you hear the words “Google Adsense Network”? Google Adsense is the first favorite ad network of all bloggers. You can see ads from Google Adsense on this blog.
Contextual advertising is a most powerful method of advertising that is used to target the relevant ads to the specific keywords. Actually, these ads are shown up by an automated system after the identification process of the keywords on a particular blog post, homepage or web page. Google Adsense and many other ad networks use this technique of advertising relevant ads on your blog.
For Getting a Google Adsense read these articles:
- 15 Things to Do Before Applying To Google AdSense
- How to get instant Google AdSense account approved for new blog?
Read also: On what Niche or Topic Blogs are made?
2- Sell products and services:
If you are one of the Book author, Digital products maker like eBooks, pets seller, painter, etc. then you easily target particular area and all people of the world to sell you goods and services directly. If you are not one of them, then you can also sell others product on your blog. Did you know about 5 Online Business That You Can Run From Home
Read also: How Blog is helpful to multiple your business earning figure by making it online.
3- Banner or Direct Advertising:
buysellads is of the best place where you get paid by selling your best Blog’s space such as a sidebar widget or header to advertisers their ads directly, for doing this you should have a buysellads approved account to add a code of their ads in your widget to display a banner having their advertising.
4- Affiliate Marketing:
It does not matter if you do not have any product or services to sell. You can sell someone’s else product or services and get the commission on it.
In fact, you always do not need to sell anything.
Yes, you heard it right!
There are a lot of such peoples those are giving some free or trial product or services so that they can convince customers to buy their things later.
To learn affiliate marketing in the detail please read the articles listed below:
- Super CPA Affiliate Marketing Guide – Basic To Advance Step-By-Step
- 8 Ultimate SEO Tips for New Affiliate Marketers From Zero
- VigLink Review: Best Affiliate Network to Monetize Your Blog in Any Niche
- What is Affiliate Marketing And How Does It Works?
- Free WordPress Installation Service & Lots of Other Bonuses
- Affiliate Titan v2.0 Review: The Best Deal For Affiliate Marketers To Learn Secrets Of Making $20 Millions
- [Case Study] How I Earned $330 With just 1 Video And FREE Traffic!
- How to Create a CPA Campaign without Any Investment/Low Budget that Makes You $$$ 100%
5- Event Blogging:
Event blogging is a type of blogging that blogger only do on the particular events, it could be a temporary or long event like a blog on the New Year, Christmas Wishes, Football or any sports league.
Yes, it is a Whatsapp and Facebook era. People love to share beautiful lines/quotes or pictures of wishes.
For instance,

You can clearly see the 4 images above. People love to use such images for WhatsApp and Facebook status and to send their friends.
Kindly. check the complete guide and event blogging case study.
Hope you understand a blog is a very important thing to do. I tried my level best to answer your every question that was in your mind about what is a blog, what is blogging and who is a blogger.
If I forget to give you an answer that you think to ask, please feel free to leave a comment in the comment box, I will try my best to answer your questions.
Keep patience, we are posting each and every topic that comes within blogging that will help a newbie to becomes a Pro-Blogger.
I’m Mohammad Tabish Blogger and a Professional web developer SEO Consultant and Freelancer. I am from Pakistan. I started My first blog (BlogRankSeo) in 2016 and then, and I have never looked back. I Have managed lots of blogs.