5 Killer Ways To Get High Quality Backlinks Within Less Time in 2023

Last Updated on June 20, 2023 by Muhammad Tabish

Hello, everyone! Welcome back to the Backlinks nothing but High Quality Backlinks planet.

Do you have a Planet for the Inventions? I mean a Blog or Website for not only making money online but also for something unique creation. Do not think it is the National Aeronautic Space And Administration (NASA) study.

Get-High-Quality-BackLinks-For-best-Blog-SiteIf you are not a new guy on this planet, means in the blogging field, then you probably already know that nowadays building High Quality Backlinks is one of the most important, and at the same time, most time-consuming things. Some days ago I have posted an article about “Important Things To Know Before Building Backlinks” that clears the concept about what things are good and bad for making free backlinks. You should read it for preventing your blog from Google’s Algorithms.

Here are some of the unique and self-tested methods to get more free High Quality Dofollow backlinks while spending relatively less time:

 1- Add A Link To This Post Or Page Box In Each Article’s Footer:

Possibly, lost of your Blog or Website visitors may also have a website or blog, right? But remember that not everyone of them know good HTML. Because nowadays, mostly bloggers use Content Management System (CMS) for their blogs/websites.

So even if they like to link to your blog articles, they can’t do this because they don’t know how to do that. So by creating a beautiful “link to this article box” in your blog sidebar through an HTML widget, helps them for doing this. The codes are below:

<textarea rows=”3″ cols=”50″ onclick=”select();”><a href=”http://www.yoursiteurl.com/the-best-article-ever.html”>Your Article Title</a></textarea>


If you are using a WordPress CMS for your blog, then you should use below code to automatically generate the box.


<textarea rows=”3″ cols=”50″ onclick=”select();”><a href=”&lt;?php the_permalink(); ?>”><?php the_title(); ?>


Note: Make sure that this code is in the WordPress loop/style.


2- Dominate High Page Result Discussion Forums (recommended 1st for High Quality Backlinks):

According to Darren Rose founder of the ProBloggers, “mostly bloggers doesn’t have the perfectly right list of high PR forums”.

First collect all high PR discussion forums and make a list of them. Then register one by one and start Questioning/answering participating in the various discussions forums and try your best level to answer and post links to your site while solving others problems. Also, don’t forget to add your site URL in your forum’s signature.

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  1. Seven proven techniques to avoid WordPress Comment Spam
  2. 14 website traffic misconceptions every blog owner should know
  3. High PR Forums List for Making High Quality Free Backlinks

3- Take Profit From Bad Guys/Bloggers For Free Backlinks:

bad+guy+scrapperDo you have The RSS feed for your best blog site? Probably you have it. Then you should put some links of your best blog site or at least, one link to your best blog site or Website. There are lots of websites that automatically scrap (publish) contents from different blog or sites’ RSS feeds. They can steal your work whether you like it or not. So, if you have a link to your own blog in the content (article), then, at least, you’ll get a few free backlinks from them.

Trust me! By doing this action, you’ll get thousands of free backlinks from scrapers. Yes! This isn’t very high-quality links but, still they are not of very poor quality. If you are gonna be scrapped means someone steal your work, then you might as well get some links out of that 😀 In other words, “by adding a link back to your site in the post the blogger who steals your content and publishes it on their own best blog site or website, will generate a backlink pointing to your blog. There seems to be so many of copied content nowadays but a lot has to do with the ever increasing number of websites that are started daily”.

Note-1: Ensure that all your articles are interconnected through interlinking in one way or the other.

Note-2: You can use TYNT WordPress plugin to automatically put the link to your article.

Recommend Easy Backlink course

4- Very Popular The Twisted Article Directory Method:

Publishing articles on the most popular article directories like EzineArticles and GoArticles is a key of getting links back. I know it is not like a puzzle game to get approved for the articles. Once they approved your article, then you will continuously see so many back links to your site. As many bloggers publish articles/entries from some famous article directories and due to TOS of article directories, they have to keep your links in the article.

5- The Customary Quality Content Advice that’s good Backlinks:

You probably know writing quality content is not a newer technique. But believe me, if you daily spend few hours for a creation of high quality content or at least, good content, most likely, it may be the only thing you need to do as some people will automatically link back to quality content. Do You Need Authority PBN Backlinks for Event Blogging? If yes Then Check My PBN Backlinks Service

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29 thoughts on “5 Killer Ways To Get High Quality Backlinks Within Less Time in 2023”

  1. Hi Abuzar,
    a great collection of white-hat methods to get backlinks.
    I believe in:
    ” Don’t create backlinks, make them happen. ” – Ahmad (Mine saying) 😉
    Thanks for sharing.
    ~ Ahmad

    • @Muhammad Ahmad
      You are so right with your thoughts here. Good content will automatically get natural back links.
      Always try to serve goods. 🙂
      Thank you for giving your valuable feed back. 🙂
      Keep visiting and commenting.

  2. Hey, SY Abuzar Bhai! How Are You?
    Glad To See These Types Of Posts From You I Liked The First Method Of This Post! 😀
    Thanks For Sharing But I Think If You Have Good Content Then Backlinks In Your Feet! 😀

    • @ Ab.Samad
      Alhamdulillah(I’m very well) 🙂
      Awww! I’m very happy to see you like my effort. <3
      Yes, The First Method Of This Post is very cool. You should try it.
      And exactly, If You Have Good Content Then Backlinks In Your Feet!.... As I also said to Muhammad Ahmad Good content will automatically get natural back links.
      Thank you for giving your valuable feedback. 🙂
      Keep visiting and commenting.

    • @Raju
      Nice to know you like it. 🙂
      Yes, High PR Blog Commenting method is very cool.
      I recommended you to also try the forum posting and articles submitting.
      Thank you for giving your valuable feedback. 🙂
      Keep visiting and commenting.

  3. We all know the importance of backlinks and also want to grow the backlinks in good way. The best thing what I think is that it is good if backlinks increase in natural way. The tips you have given are also very helpful to gain more backlinks in less time.

    • @Gaurav
      Yeah! Just having Backlinks are not sufficient till there are natural backlinks.
      I love the whole feedback from you ❦
      Creating Backlinks is not a big deal but creating good one is an art. 🙂 And, these tips will make it so easy.
      Thank you so much for you great feedback.
      Keep visiting and do same…”’… Have a good day 🙂

  4. Hello,
    The tip related to RSS was new for me. But I couldn’t understand what you were trying to convey. Can you elaborate a bit more?

    • @Salahuddin
      There are many sites that automatically scrap (publish) content from different sites’ RSS feeds.
      They will steal your work whether you like it or not. So, if you have a link to your own site in the content, you’ll at least get a backlink from them.
      Keep visiting and leaving your facts with us

  5. Hello Abuzar, this is my first visit to Blogrankseo 🙂

    I’m glad here, your posts are awesome especially the SEO & Blogging related one 🙂

    Thanks for the awesome tips, keep going.

    • @TechLinu Hello, Most welcome at BlogRakSEO! Glad to see you stoped here and we helped you. Keep visiting and leaving your fact with us through comments 🙂
